Deploying a CakePHP site with Capistrano
In the past I’ve used a variety of tools to deploy client sites, most often using version control. However, for my blog I’ve always used FTP. Its a pretty old-school approach, and something that I’ve been lacking the time to correct. Last weekend I finally took the plunge and figured out how to get Capistrano to deploy my site. Because of my hosting setup I wasn’t able to use capcake. But if you have git installed on your server, its worth taking a look at.
Installing Capistrano & getting ready
This was the easiest part of the process. Just run gem install capistrano
and you’re done. I then capify’ied my site by running capify
from the app root. I then spent a while getting familiar with how Capistrano actually worked and evaluating how I would have to change my current deployment to work better with Capistrano. Before using Capistrano my directory layout looked like.
- /home/mark/public_html/app
- /home/mark/public_html/app/webroot
- /home/mark/public_html/cake
- /home/mark/public_html/vendors
Far from the best setup as everything is inside the DocumentRoot. Fixing the files exposed to the outside world was another thing I wanted to address while changing how I deploy my site. I initially configured Capistrano to make the following directories.
- /home/mark/ # The last 5 releases
- /home/mark/ # Files shared among
I would then symlink ~/public_html
to ~/
. This would minimize the files exposed to the outside world, and work with how Capistrano likes to do things.
Other bits that needed wiring
Configuration and uploaded files posed a small hurdle, I solved both with symlinks. Configuration files were put in ~/
, and symlinked in on deploy. Uploaded files would follow the same pattern. After creating ~/
to hold the files, I used more symlinks to wire things together. I ended up putting my cakephp core and plugins for my site into ~/
as well. This resulted in a directory structure that looked like:
- /home/mark/
- /home/mark/
- /home/mark/
- /home/mark/
- /home/mark/
Getting all the directories and symlink wiring setup was an iterative process, I made lots of mistakes along the way. With some help from savant on IRC, and stealing some functions from the previously mentioned capcake, I ended up with the following deploy.rb
- set :application, ""
- set :repository, "/Users/markstory/Sites/mark_story/site/"
- set :branch, "master"
- set :scm, :git
- # Deploy settings
- set :deploy_to, "/home/mark/#{application}"
- set :deploy_via, :copy
- set :copy_exclude, [".git/*", ".gitignore"]
- set :copy_compression, :gzip
- # Use account tmp dir as /tmp is wierd.
- set :copy_remote_dir, '/home/mark/tmp'
- # Configure which plugins are going to be updated when the code is deployed.
- set :plugins_dir, "/Users/markstory/Sites/cake_plugins"
- set :app_plugins, ['asset_compress']
- # Options
- set :use_sudo, false
- set :keep_releases, 5
- # Roles & servers
- role :app, ""
- server '', :app, :primary => true
- set :user, 'mark'
- # Environments
- task :production do
- set :deploy_to, '/home/mark/'
- end
- # Deployment tasks
- namespace :deploy do
- desc "Override the original :restart"
- task :restart, :roles => :app do
- clear_cache
- end
- task :finalize_update, :roles => :app do
- # Link cakephp. Not the ideal linking but it works.
- run "ln -s #{shared_path}/cakephp #{current_release}/cake"
- # Link configuration files
- run "ln -s #{shared_path}/config/core.php #{current_release}/config/core.php"
- run "ln -s #{shared_path}/config/database.php #{current_release}/config/database.php"
- # Link uploaded files.
- run "rm -rf #{current_release}/webroot/img/downloads;
- ln -s #{shared_path}/webroot/downloads #{current_release}/webroot/img/downloads"
- run "rm -rf #{current_release}/webroot/img/portfolio;
- ln -s #{shared_path}/webroot/portfolio #{current_release}/webroot/img/portfolio"
- run "ln -s #{shared_path}/webroot/files #{current_release}/webroot/files"
- run "ln -s #{shared_path}/webroot/demos #{current_release}/webroot/demos"
- # Link tmp
- run "rm -rf #{current_release}/tmp"
- run "ln -s #{shared_path}/tmp #{current_release}/tmp"
- # Link plugins
- deploy.plugins.symlink
- end
- namespace :plugins do
- desc "Symlinks the configured plugins for the appliction into plugins, from the shared dirs."
- task :symlink, :roles => :app do
- app_plugins.each { |plugin|
- run "ln -s #{shared_path}/plugins/#{plugin} #{latest_release}/plugins/#{plugin}"
- }
- end
- end
- namespace :web do
- desc "Setup lock file"
- task :disable, :roles => :app do
- run "touch #{current_release}/webroot/.capistrano-lock"
- end
- desc "Enable the current access after deployment"
- task :enable, :roles => :app do
- run "rm #{current_release}/webroot/.capistrano-lock"
- end
- end
- end
- namespace :clear_cache do
- desc <<-DESC
- Blow up all the cache files CakePHP uses, ensuring a clean restart.
- task :default do
- # Remove absolutely everything from TMP
- run "rm -rf #{shared_path}/tmp/*"
- # Create TMP folders
- run "mkdir -p #{shared_path}/tmp/{cache/{models,persistent,views},sessions,logs,tests}"
- end
- end
- namespace :pending do
- desc <<-DESC
- Displays the 'diff' since your last deploy. This is useful if you want \
- to examine what changes are about to be deployed. Note that this might \
- not be supported on all SCM's.
- task :diff, :except => { :no_release => true } do
- system(source.local.diff(current_revision))
- end
- desc <<-DESC
- Displays the commits since your last deploy. This is good for a summary \
- of the changes that have occurred since the last deploy. Note that this \
- might not be supported on all SCM's.
- task :default, :except => { :no_release => true } do
- from = source.next_revision(current_revision)
- system(source.local.log(from))
- end
- end
I have to say that after setting up Capistrano, I’m super happy with how it works. I love being able to use one command to update my site and not have to worry about accidentally breaking something due to fat fingering something in my FTP client. While I still need to update Cake core and my plugins manually I do that pretty rarely so it shouldn’t pose a problem.
Does the clear_cache task actually work? mkdir -p never works for me when doing it through capistrano, although that may be because I am using Capistrano multi-environment.
Nice to see you got everything settled, let me know if you need any more help with Capistrano.
Jose Diaz-Gonzalez on 5/30/10
nice… will give it a try..
Harsha M V on 5/30/10
Hi, I made a railsless deploy extension for just this reason: –– the file replaces the deploy.rb in the main gem, with one with the tasks removed from the chain, not simple stubbed out as above… hopefully it provides whatever you need :)
Lee Hambley on 6/1/10
What do you gain with using Capistrano in deployment.
I keep a Git bare repo with my app which I push from my to from my macbook. Then I clone this .bare repo in a regular repo on the same server in my apps/ directory. For the /css and /img folder I just make a symlink in web_root and add a custom index.php also in the web_root with the right path to Cake and my app.
After I push new commits to the Git bare rep I log in via ssh and pull these commits into my live application.
Setting this up: 20-30 min
Updating: in no time..
Can Capistrano do it better?
Gerhard Sletten on 6/5/10
I type
cap deploy
and my code is deployed. I don’t need to ssh into the box, cd to the folder, type “git pull origin master” etc.Multi-environment is easy.
cap dev deploy
andcap prod deploy
is how I deploy http://cakepackages.comIn Mark Story’s case, he had no access to git on the server, so using your method is out of the question. Capistrano saves the day.
Jose Diaz-Gonzalez on 6/5/10
Hi Jose
Gerhard Sletten on 6/5/10
Mark, did you end up having problems with getting files created under current/app/tmp/cache?
I’ve got a basic setup that currently uses file cache, but CakePHP (1.3.2) ends up looking for the tmp/cache under releases because of the definition of APP_DIR. Because I have softlinked tmp from shared to current, similar to what you have done, current/tmp/cache is never found, because CakePHP looks for it under releases/2010…/app/tmp/cache. (I think I said the same thing twice in a row)
Reuben Helms
Reuben Helms on 6/16/10
Gah, don’t mind me. I had linked tmp to/tmp instead of /app/tmp.
Reuben Helms on 6/16/10
Hello Mark,
i have created an own deployment shell for CakePHP, because i don’t feel good with mixing php and ruby ;)
I think an integrated CakePHP deployment shell could be a nice think to the comunity, could’n it?
details can find here:
sassman on 7/16/10
What is inside your releases & current folder.
Friskd on 12/2/10