Well Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone. I’ve been busy as always and have put up a new character painting in the Digital Section. This is the first painting that I’ve done in Photoshop that is approaching the quality and feel of my oil work. As time is always at a premium these days, I will probably be doing a few more digital paintings. They are easier and less fussy to work on than oils.
These updates keep getting farther and farther apart however, this time I have a good excuse. I got married! On Aug 25th of this year I got married to a lovely woman named Tina. We met in college and have been inseparable since. So that is my excuse, I never realized how much work went into a wedding. Insane. I designed the invitations the thank you cards, and did calligraphy on all the name cards.
Well I finally finished a few things that I’ve been working on. I’ve added a couple more shirts to the clothing portfolio. I’m really happy with them, and they’ll be available on my store as soon as I get it complete. It is coming along well, and I plan on getting it done soon. Furthermore, I have more shirts and paintings in the works for your viewing pleasure.
Wow, it has been one heck of a long time since I’ve posted anything let alone new work. I have been working on a number of things including learning much more about programming in PHP and mySQL. I’ve also been doing a bit of sketching and drawing but haven’t had the chance to really get my paints out.
New work! Check the portfolio for a new painting called “the man with the hollow heart”. I tried a new surface with this piece, and think it came out quite well. Since my old cart system was not working at all, I am working on deploying Zen cart and hope to have it configured soon. There will even be goodies to buy as well.
Well it has been a while since I last did anything here. But I have been busy in the last month, and have things to show and share. First is a new painting in the gallery. It is the largest painting I’ve done yet. The triptych measures 20“x52” which is quite large for someone like me who doesn’t normally work larger than 11“x14”.
Another small update, again to the markup of the page. I found that without javascript enabled my portfolio sections simply didn’t work. And while most people do have javascript enabled, there are those that don’t and I want them to be able to look at my work as well. In addition it is just good site/code practices to make pages accessible and javascript unobtrusive.
You may (hopefully not) have noticed that the site is all php now. Difference to you, is absolutely nothing. It makes my life easier though. However, one thing that did change, is that the mailers available for download have been updated. Now they have the right phone numbers and such.
The store in case you are wondering is currently on hold. I can’t find an affordable credit card processor.
Well I changed a few things around here. The drop down menu at the top is no more. I was finding it to be really uncessary and not very intuitive. Furthermore, Explorer just made a mess of it. Also, I’m trying to make the portfolio section more user friendly. A few people I talked to didn’t even know there was more work beyond the 16 images on the first page. I’m still working out the Internet Explorer bugs.
Added my most recent digital work to the portfolio. It was inspired by the constant talk and evidence of gun violence in Toronto. I thought it was relevant, especially considering last summer’s extensive violence, and talks of preventing it from occuring again this year.
It seems that although, safari, firefox, opera, and even Internet explorer 5 like rendering my page, Internet explorer 6 does not. It has to do with the CSS and Internet explorer’s way of rendering it. So I’m working on it, but its hard for me to see the changes as Internet explorer 6 doesn’t exist on Mac OSX. Which makes for a trouble some bug fixing session.
Well its almost done. As you can see, the main interface is done and the content has been reformatted and appended to. Futhermore, there are more images to look at. An entirely new section makes it debut as well. The clothing section has my t-shirt designs and will expand over time to other apparel. The shop section is still under construction, but should be done soon.
Happy new year to you. And for your viewing pleasure There is a new image in the digital side of the portfolio. I found the whole bird flu hype interesting and found it inspiring. Also I’m learning to write better CSS and will definitely be relaunching this website soon. When I change the site over I will be incorporating more of my design work, inclusive of my t-shirts. Which you’ll be able to buy!
Have a couple new images in the pipelines, furthermore,I contributed two images to the OCAD whodunit? fundraiser this year. The show previews on Nov 15th, 16th , and 18th. All the art goes on sale November 19th. So check it out, and buy something. It helps a great institution out, and you get an original piece of art.
Well I got access to my scanner, and there are many new images to be found in the portfolio. I’ve also split the portfolio into two sections, corresponding with the media that I use.
Well wouldn’t you know it, I have 2 new images to add to the portfolio. A fantasy game/historical sample, and a landscape. But I have no way to scan them right now, as my scanner is in another city. As soon as we are reunited there will be more to see. In other news conscious media magazine in toronto is running a bio/spotlight on me in their september issue, check it out.
Added a new image to the portfolio. I’ve been busy lately, but there is always going to be more work.
Added a bookmarks icon. Now you can see an icon in the address bar and bookmarks.
Compatibility issues with Internet explorer have been repaired. Furthermore, two images were added to the portfolio section.
The site goes online, and is open for your viewing pleasure. Visit the portfolio for samples of my work. The downloads has a number of PDF postcards, and wallpaper images, enjoy.